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 Marketing and video content creation

 Marketing and video content creation


Nowadays, the creation of video content is becoming a common procedure in marketing promotion. It is not surprising because video, as a vehicle to convey a message to consumers, has great narrative power.

For the modern screen-dependent person, it's a break from the abundance of textual information. That is why video consumption is increasing year after year all over the world.

In addition to being an easy and attractive format, with the current level of technology, it is becoming almost universal. It can be hosted on any platform and users can access it on any device, both fixed and mobile.

These factors are hard to ignore, least video content production be included in a digital promotion strategy. If videos are such an effective communication tool, it is worth looking into this format and digging deeper.

What is video content?

From marketing usage, video content is a means for a brand to capture the attention of its audience, increase engagement and conversion rates, and therefore drive sales. In addition, this format allows you to make a strong statement and gather a community of fans in the media where the company has not been present before.

We refer, of course, to social networks, especially those in which video is the main or priority means of communication. Video content is, therefore, a key element of video marketing, whose objective is to promote products and services in the digital environment.
Types of video content

There are different types of video content. Each of them has a different impact on the target audience. After all, a video marketing is not a free creation. The sales effect for this is of paramount importance.

And the goal of promotion dictates the choice of the necessary solution. Before you start making videos, you need to determine which types of video content best fit your chosen strategy and why you need them.

Below, you'll find all the options broken down by genre, content, and format.

Working in video marketing is essentially like working at a large movie studio. Therefore, all existing film genres are also available for commercialization.

A video clip, similar to an animated film, can tell a story using drawn characters or using diagrams and infographics to illustrate the production process, the structure of a planned project or the results of those already executed.
Documentary film

Like cinematography, this genre consists of the presentation of factual information and the filming of actual participants. This is the best way to convey credible information to the audience.


A type of documentary with a difference: it is a report from the scene of the events. His goal is to show what happened, to show the event as it is, without any artificial and far-fetched emotional assessment.
game show

This type of video content has a plot created in advance, staged on a movie set and performed by the participants, professional or amateur actors.
What content should a video have for marketing?

The different videos that are produced for marketing purposes can be of varied genres and approaches. Among them:


Count the merits of what the company wants to sell: a product, a service, an event, an idea, etc. It can be said that a banner advertisement is a special case of a presentation implemented in the game genre.

It involves the presentation of a series of goods or services that are similar according to some criteria. For example, it can be a selection of new products or the most popular in a category.

The presentation can highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the compared items, but without specifying the preferences of the authors, leaving the final choice to the public.

This is a step by step breakdown with a demonstration of how to use the product.

This video often contains educational information to describe what happens when using the product. It may contain instructional elements, but it will focus on the outcome of the video, not how to use it.

practical tips

You could say it's also an instructional video, but it's more of a how-to kind of thing with your own hands. In this type of ads, the brand being promoted is not the protagonist, but only a participant in the story.

In this type of video, the hero is a person. He can be a representative of the company, an expert or a famous person.

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